Goblin Ball Comission

The Process

Last year I was given an unusual commission which I was rather excited to get into. I was asked to design a makeup look for the client which corresponded with their outfit which they would be wearing to an event called the "Goblin Ball" which took place in Glasgow. Now, this was an unusual commission mainly because I was not required to apply the makeup look to the client I was instead to ask to come up with the design and then create a tutorial which the client (Rosie) could use when getting ready for the event.
When Rosie and I were discussing her vision for the look I asked for reference photos and she sent me photos of the dress and mask which she wanted it to match up with (Pictured) and mentioned that she would playing a character role in the court of "Water". There were general themes of blue and coral so I made sure to tie these in and wanted to keep the look fairly simple yet glamorous so that mask could be worn over the top. I decided the best approach would be to create a few different face charts of what the makeup could look like so that Rosie could either pick one or choose elements from each chart.
During the process of making these charts, I drew inspiration from pictures I found on Pinterest that had themes of mermaid designs and underwater embellishments. I thought a few pearls or glitter would make the look really pop. I sent these design through to Rosie and she decide she quite liked the sea wave style in one of the charts and also the white brows with blue flares around the top of the nose and brows. So I picked out the preferred elements and got to work filming the tutorial.
Once I sent over the video, Rosie was really happy with the results and recreated the look for the event itself. The costume she made was fabulous and the look was coherent, I was really happy with the results.
You can find the tutorial for the makeup look I did here: